Sunday, September 30, 2012
Shreddy Sunday
Here is a photo of me from Sunday afternoon. I surfed early in the morning for the first time on my five star, the waves were big and the board worked amazing. I then went to my soccer game, and headed back for this session. I used my five star again and was super stoked on how it was working. We surfed out at the point and it was pretty good, but hard to get a long ride. Carson and I came in and went to surf cable. The waves were a lot hollower and punchier than usual. Out there I was thinking it was like waist to occasional chest high (on me) but judging by this photo it was a bit bigger than that. Thanks for the shot Jose! -Lars
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Crowley Ripping
I just founds a bunch of sick shots taken of Crowley shredding a few days ago. Photos by Tony! -Lars
Wave Check- Rye on the Rocks
Being one of the fastest waves in New England, Rye on the Rocks is one of my personal favorites. At low tide there is a shallow, cobblestone bottom, and the takeoff is very steep and fast. This wave has the potential for barrels, and monster punt sections. On any big swell you can find a small crowd of surfers there from dawn to dusk, doing nothing but surfing till they puke. The wave has both a left, and a right, although the left is more well known. This spot can hold as big as New Hampshire gets. This spot can be very localized, so use common sense. But when it's on, you will be in for a real treat! -Carson
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the lesser known right of rye on the rocks. Photo cred |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Lost... Event at Pioneers
I just got back from Pioneers where Matt Biolos, the shaper for lost... surfboards was showing off some boards. He had boards that Mick Fanning, Brett Simpson, and Kolohe Andino used at the U.S. Open. There was also the board the U.S. Open champion Julian Wilson road before the event. Tristan and I also scored some lost... posters and hats. Thanks to Mayhem and Pioneers for putting on a great event. -Lars
Monday, September 24, 2012
Welcome to Massachusetts
With a far more coastline than New Hampshire but a much smaller surf scene, there are still some gems to be found in Massachusetts. Check out these two pics Carson sent me of some amazing spots in the the bay state. -Lars
Last Sunday continued the streak of weekend waves for NH. It's amazing how many weekends you can get perfect, head high lines, AND have offshore winds. These photos are just a few of the great waves caught Sunday. There also was another standout session at about 1:00pm of cable crew members Crowley and Carson surfing the outer point at straws, with some great wedges to be had. Unfortunately no photos were taken of this session, though there was one photographer at the point taking shots of some waves. I wouldn't be surprised if you find them online somewhere...
All photos cred. Massachusetts local, and NH surfer Jose.
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sorry about the quality... photo did not want to be downloaded |
nice little backside, setting up for a backside snap |
Friday, September 21, 2012
5 Star
I just picked up my new 5 star surfboard from cinnamon rainbows. It is a 5'3 pintail for when the waves are decent. The full dims are 5,3-17.5-21 and 3/16s. I am super stoked on it and hopefully will be able to ride it this weekend. 5 star is a trusted local brand shaped right in Exeter by Sashi Lyford. Just recently Ryan and Rhett both got new 5 stars and they both love them. If you are interested in your own 5 star you can check out the website at Here are some pics. -Lars
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Leslie Swell
Let's just say that Hurricane Leslie was our best swell in a while. I scored 5 straight days of surf ranging from double overhead(on me) to perfect, rippable chest high peelers. We got some surf shots and I will put them up tomorrow. Hopefully we will have some fun surf this weekend! Here is a shot of me getting out of the water after 5 hours of after school shredding on the first big day of the storm. -Lars
Ryan's skimboard
Apologies, as this was not not shown earlier. About a month ago, cable crew member Ryan's father took on the challenge of making a skimboard from scratch, and well, here are the results... -Carson
Summer 2011
Here is a cool angle Crowley got of me one summer day in 2011. I am super stoked because my new 5 star is done and I will be picking it up tomorrow. I'll post some pics tomorrow afternoon. -lars
Hurley Pro at Trestles
Right my 2nd favorite surf contest of the year is going down at Lower Trestles, the Hurley Pro. My favorite contest of the year being the Nike Lowers Pro that goes down in May at Trestles. This contest is one of the most high performance contests in the world, with progressive surfing beyond anyone's imagination. Right now quarter final number 3 is going down between Jordy Smith and Joel Parkinson. These guys are mixing inane power with futuristic airs and it is quite entertaining. So go to the Hurley Pro website right now and watch the live webcast! Here are some pics -Lars
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Some Photos
Ryan just sent me these photos of him from our recent run of waves. It has been average lately and we are still waiting for some more swell. -lars
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Ryan at Straws a few days ago |
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Ryan at the Rip My Shredstick contest |
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Photo Issues
As you may see in the post below the photo of Scott and his work in progress is very blurry. I have been having some issues with saving photos that are e-mailed to me. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope to sort out the problem soon.
Sweet Potato Shaping
Ryan and I have been surfing together since we were in kindergarten and now his dad Scott is starting to get into shaping. His first project was a beautiful wooden fish he spent months on. He has taken his woodworking skills beyond surfboards, constructing hand-planes and a skimboard out of wood. Now Scott is working on a 4'8 that will hopefully come out like a sweet potato, for the outline he used Crowley's potato. The board is being made out foam insulation which is a cheaper and very similar alternative to the standard foam blank. It will be glassed with epoxy resin(normal polyester resin eats away this type of foam) epoxy is better for the environment and the shaper as well as being light and tough. Take a look at Scott and Ryan's work in progress. -lars
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Possible Swell for Sunday
Another weekend of perfect surf may be upon us. Stay with us for possible photos and video of the swell. And while your waiting, Here's a videos of one of the heaviest waves on Earth...
The Wall Detailed Forecast Data
Sun 16th September 2012 : 6am Local Time (GMT -6hrs) [Prev] [Next] [Full Forecast]
NWW3 Forecast
Issue Date: Thu 13th September 2012 : 12pm
forecast from
We don't currently have nearshore data for this location.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Dear Suburbia
Well as some of you may already know Kai Neville's newest movie, Dear Suburbia is playing for free right now on Go check it out right now to see some of the most progressive surfing of this generation.
Carson Shredding
Check out this sick shot of Carson from yesterday! I wonder what the guy duck diving is thinking. -Lars
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Bad luck
Ok, so...
if you do not like reading about people ranting, DO NOT READ THIS POST.
Now that that is over with...
Why does school have to start so early? I mean... c'mon, what are you really going to teach kids in September? And why do I have school and cross country during the BEST SWELL OF THE SUMMER?!!!!!
I am honestly thinking about skipping class, but I don't know how the teachers would enjoy that. When this swell hits on Tuesday, I will probably be stuck at school running, and when I get home at night, I'll probably mind-surf the webcams and wish I was there. Well... Good luck to ya Lars, and have fun surfing the waves I'll be missing... :(
if you do not like reading about people ranting, DO NOT READ THIS POST.
Now that that is over with...
Why does school have to start so early? I mean... c'mon, what are you really going to teach kids in September? And why do I have school and cross country during the BEST SWELL OF THE SUMMER?!!!!!
I am honestly thinking about skipping class, but I don't know how the teachers would enjoy that. When this swell hits on Tuesday, I will probably be stuck at school running, and when I get home at night, I'll probably mind-surf the webcams and wish I was there. Well... Good luck to ya Lars, and have fun surfing the waves I'll be missing... :(
My "Eager for School" face... |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
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